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Ligne 18 : Ligne 18 :
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!<big><big><big>'''Computer exercises'''</big></big></big>
!<big><big><big>'''Main exercises'''</big></big></big>
Ligne 77 : Ligne 77 :
## Deduce the RE_<sub>CS</sub> at the VBSCF, L-BOVB and D-BOVB. Compare it with the estimated exact bond energy : 39.0 kcal/mol).
## Deduce the RE_<sub>CS</sub> at the VBSCF, L-BOVB and D-BOVB. Compare it with the estimated exact bond energy : 39.0 kcal/mol).
<big><font color=red>'''***** If you have not finished these first three exercises by the end of tutorial session 1, we recommend that you move directly to [[VBTutorial2|tutorial 2]] *****'''</font></big>
== Exercice 4 '''(optional)''' : Solvent effect on C(Me)<math>{}_3</math>-Cl weights ==
# C(Me)<math>{}_3</math>-Cl at equilibrium geometry :
## Compute a VBSCF wave function using ''frgtyp=atom'' and a $Gus section to specify guess orbitals. The active electron pair will be the C-Cl bond, and all inactive orbitals should be localized either on Cl or on the C(Me3) fragment. Which structures should be kept in further BOVB calculations ?
## Redo the VBSCF calculation reading the orbital file obtained at the previous step as guess file, and now requesting a boys localization (keyword : ''boys''). Compare the VBSCF orbitals obtained with and without the ''boys'' keyword (you can use the ''moldendat'' utility and them ''molden'' to display them).
## Compute a L-BOVB wave function.
## Compute a D-BOVB wave function, by freezing the active orbitals, and delocalizing all inactive orbitals onto the whole molecule (see also : [[General_guidelines_for_BOVB_calculations| >> general guidelines for BOVB calculations]]).
# Starting from guess orbitals obtained at equilibrium geometry, redo the D-BOVB calculation for the large inter fragment distance. How does the weights of the different structures evolve when the molecule is stretched ?
# Redo the D-BOVB calculations at equilibrium geometry and large distance using VBPCM for water. How does the weights change with solvation effects ?
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!''Hints and remarks''
* It is strongly advisable to use the ''boys'' keyword at the VBSCF step, as it will provide more physically meaningful orbitals for the next BOVB calculations (the same remark would hold with VBCI)
* To reperform D-BOVB at large interatomic distances (question n°2), you have to proceed in two steps :
** starting from the orbitals converged at equilibrium distances (question n°1.3) as a guess : reperform a L-BOVB first at large interatomic distances ;
** then, starting from the orbitals just obtained as a guess do a D-BOVB calculation.
* Same remark for solvent calculations : you can start from converged gas phase L-BOVB orbitals as guess, but you'll have first to reperform L-BOVB and then D-BOVB.
Ligne 108 : Ligne 83 :
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!<big><big><big>'''Paper exercise (optional - homework)'''</big></big></big>
!<big><big><big>'''Optional exercises and homework'''</big></big></big>
==Exercise 5 : '''The lone pairs of H<sub>2</sub>O'''==
==Exercise 4 : '''The lone pairs of H<sub>2</sub>O'''==
(for further reading, see S. Shaik and P.C. Hiberty, '''"The Chemist's Guide to VB theory"''', Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008, pp. 107-109)
(for further reading, see S. Shaik and P.C. Hiberty, '''"The Chemist's Guide to VB theory"''', Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008, pp. 107-109)
Ligne 235 : Ligne 210 :
== Exercice 5 : Solvent effect on C(Me)<math>{}_3</math>-Cl weights ==
# C(Me)<math>{}_3</math>-Cl at equilibrium geometry :
## Compute a VBSCF wave function using ''frgtyp=atom'' and a $Gus section to specify guess orbitals. The active electron pair will be the C-Cl bond, and all inactive orbitals should be localized either on Cl or on the C(Me3) fragment. Which structures should be kept in further BOVB calculations ?
## Redo the VBSCF calculation reading the orbital file obtained at the previous step as guess file, and now requesting a boys localization (keyword : ''boys''). Compare the VBSCF orbitals obtained with and without the ''boys'' keyword (you can use the ''moldendat'' utility and them ''molden'' to display them).
## Compute a L-BOVB wave function.
## Compute a D-BOVB wave function, by freezing the active orbitals, and delocalizing all inactive orbitals onto the whole molecule (see also : [[General_guidelines_for_BOVB_calculations| >> general guidelines for BOVB calculations]]).
# Starting from guess orbitals obtained at equilibrium geometry, redo the D-BOVB calculation for the large inter fragment distance. How does the weights of the different structures evolve when the molecule is stretched ?
# Redo the D-BOVB calculations at equilibrium geometry and large distance using VBPCM for water. How does the weights change with solvation effects ?
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!''Hints and remarks''
* It is strongly advisable to use the ''boys'' keyword at the VBSCF step, as it will provide more physically meaningful orbitals for the next BOVB calculations (the same remark would hold with VBCI)
* To reperform D-BOVB at large interatomic distances (question n°2), you have to proceed in two steps :
** starting from the orbitals converged at equilibrium distances (question n°1.3) as a guess : reperform a L-BOVB first at large interatomic distances ;
** then, starting from the orbitals just obtained as a guess do a D-BOVB calculation.
* Same remark for solvent calculations : you can start from converged gas phase L-BOVB orbitals as guess, but you'll have first to reperform L-BOVB and then D-BOVB.

Version du 8 juillet 2012 à 06:08

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Basics of VB theory and XMVB program