Social for the NCI workshop

De Workshops
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  • Meals

We are organizing the meals for the conference. In order to make reservations, please sign in at the following doodle for those meals you are expecting to attend.

Lunch will take place at the Ministery Restaurant A.U.R.A.

1 rue Descartes 75005 Paris Map

(Walking distance from the workshop)

The Conference Dinner will take place on Thursday at Le Pilote - Cercle de la Mer Port de Suffren 75007 Paris

The restaurant

RER C station Champ de Mars – Tour Eiffel or Metro Line 6 Bir Hakeim - Tour Eiffel

from the metro or RER station, go down to the Seine river, right-hand-side direction Eiffel tower.


Please note that these meals will be kindly covered by CECAM funding, so only registered people can sign in and no extra reservations will be taken into account after the doodle is closed on 20/05.

  • Activities

We have arranged 2h visits during Thursday. There will be several options, all of them baded on the Latin Quarter topic. Please sign in for your preferred choice, but note that places are very limited for some of them: