VB workshop tutorials program
- Benoît Braida
- Xun Chen
- David Danovich
- Stéphane Humbel (coordinator)
- Mathieu Linares
- Yirong Mo
- Avital Shurki
- Jinshuai Song
- Peifeng Su
- Wei Wu
- Fuming Ying
Usefull programs
[| MacMolPlt] will be installed on the cluster. It shall be used to build graphically Gamess input.
xmpg can help to convert Gamess output to XMVB files (.bfi, .xmi, .bro) (and XMVB file to Gamess files for orbitals) [not updated to xmvb2]
Program of the tutorials (PROPOSAL)
Here are Sason remarks
They are accessible from your tutorials