Accomodation for the NCI workshop
Révision datée du 18 mars 2013 à 12:22 par Reinhardt (discussion | contributions)
Accomodation should be arranged independently by the participants. You will find below some nice suggestions for your stay.
- Some suggested reasonably priced hotels in the Latin Quarter:
- Or you can find hotels around the Jussieu campus from these web sites :
- You can as well find (and reserve) rooms in the following student and guest researchers centers :
- FIAP Jean Monnet
- Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) - nice campus and full comfort rooms, ~30min from Jussieu campus
- CISP Ravel and : CISP Kellerman : Centres Internationaux de Séjour sur Paris
- List from the UPMC's international pages
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