Visa for the CTTC 2019

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About Quito

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Isolated in the Andes at 2,818 m. altitude, the city of Quito is spread along the slopes of the Pichincha Volcano and is bordered by the hills of Panecillo and Ichimbia. Founded by the Spanish in 1534, on the ruins of an Inca city, Quito proudly possesses one of the most extensive and best-preserved historic centres of Spanish America. The city offers a remarkable example of the Baroque school of Quito (Escuela Quitena), that brings together the indigenous and European artistic traditions and which is renowned for providing the greatest contribution of Spanish America to universal art. The height of this art is represented by veritable spiritual citadels, among which are San Francisco, San Domingo, San Augustin, La Compana, La Merced, the Sanctuary of Guapulco and the Recoleta of San Diego, to name just the principal ones. These are recognized not only for their artistic value from the architectural viewpoint but also for their decorative elements (altarpieces, paintings, sculptures).

Visa for Ecuador

Citizens of most of the countries do not require a valid VISA to visit Ecuador if they plan to stay for a period of less than 30 days. However, the Organizing Committee of the CTTC-2019 can provide any documentation needed for an eventual VISA application.

Vaccinations for Ecuador

Quito is located at an approximated altitude of 2800 m above the sea level; consequently, risks of being infected with tropical desases/fevers though a mosquito bite are minimal. However, participants are suggested to obtain the following vaccines prior their trip to Ecuador: typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, yellow fever, rabies, and influenza.