Fees to the CTTC 2019
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- 1. Feel in this
form and send it to local organizer email and cc to conference email
- 2. Fees will be paid trough the B&B Travel Agency (international credit cards accepted)
- Professionals (Professors, researchers, post-doc fellows): 335 USD
- Students (Undergraduate and graduate): 60 USD
Other fees:
- Accompanying persons: 100 USD
Participants of the CTTC2019 are encouraged to make their hotel reservations through the B&B Travel Agency (see Contact Information below). At the same time, the Holiday Inn Express hotel is strongly suggested.
- Single Room 782 USD
- Double Room 550 USD
Payment includes:
- Transfer airport-hotel-airport
- Transfer hotel-university-hotel for 5 days
- 7 nights at the hotel
- Breakfasts
- Tour in Quito Historical Center
- Congress Social Dinner
Additional nights:
- Single Room 108 USD/night
- Double Room 78 USD/night
*Other hotel options (more and less expensive) are available under request. The travel agency will also charge you for the registration fee, so please add this amount to the total. If you stay less than nights the travel agency will give an estimate of the total, which will be below the numbers given above.
Email: bbtravel@uio.satnet.net
Email: pao.borrero@hotmail.com
Phone: +593 2 243 6181
Cell phone: +593 99 974 3730