Program of the RPA workshop

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Talks will take place in the Esclangon building of the Jussieu campus, in room "Amphi Durand" on Tuesday 26 and Friday 29, and room "Amphi Herpin" on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28.
See location details

Talks will be followed by discussions.
Ten minutes of discussion per talk will keep us in good shape.

Allocated times (in minutes) are listed with the speaker's name.

Monday 25 January Tuesday 26 January Wednesday 27 January Thursday 28 January Friday 29 January
Building 55/65 Room 101 Esclangon building Amphi Durand Esclangon building Amphi Herpin Esclangon building Amphi Herpin Esclangon building Amphi Durand
(and Building 55/65 Room 101)
Starting 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Peter Schuck 40
Angel Rubio 40
Andy Görling 30
Gustavo Scuseria 40
Danilo Gambacurta 30
Panagiota Papakonstantinou 35
Andy Teale 30
Andreas Grüneis 30
BREAK 30 BREAK 30 BREAK 30 Henk Eshuis 20
Mark Casida 40
Jan Linderberg 40
Jacek Dobaczewski 20
Thomas Duguet 40
Calvin Johnson 25
Peter Ring 40
12:30pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
2:00pm Jorge Dukelsky 25
Osvaldo Civitarese 30
Vince Ortiz 30
Miquel Huix-Rotllant 25
Alex Tkatchenko 25
John Dobson 30
Lucia Reining 30
Xavier Gonze 30
Julien Toulouse 30
Janos Ángyán 30
Georg Jansen 15
Paula Mori Sanchez 35
Roger Balian 30
Get Together
John Perdew 30
Adrienn Ruzsinszky 30
Peter Schuck 30
Kazuhiro Yabama 30
Dinh Dang 30
Doru Delion 30
7:30pm Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

If you would like to participate in group dinners, please follow this link Dinner and add your name and days of interest.

There will be a wi-fi available during the entire workshop.

A room will be available on Monday 25 for an informal get-together and on Friday 29 for informal post-lectures discussions. Building 55/65 Room 101.


Please add your talk abstract on the RPA abstracts page. You can use login=Participant, password=pi314 to login into the system and enter your abstract. Follow the template provided.

Tuesday Morning Overview Talks

  • Peter Schuck, An overview of RPA from the Nuclear Physics perspective, 40 min
  • Angel Rubio, An overview of RPA from the Condensed Matter perspective, 40 min
  • Mark Casida, An overview of RPA from the Quantum Chemistry perspective, 40 min
  • Jan Linderberg, The self-consistent RPA ground state and its connection with projected BCS wavefunctions, 40 min

Other Research Lectures

Just Attending - Not Lecturing

  • Arjan Berger
  • Gaston Berthier
  • Eric Cances
  • Francesco Catara
  • Aron Cohen
  • Paola Gori-Giorgi
  • Marcella Grasso
  • Matteo Guzzo
  • Trygve Helgaker
  • Federico Iori
  • Stefan Kurth
  • Giovanna Lani
  • Sebastian Lebegue
  • Mathieu Lewin
  • Ru-Fen Liu
  • Fred Manby
  • Daniel Pena Arteaga
  • Patrick Rinke
  • Pina Romaniello
  • Andreas Savin
  • Marcel Vénéroni
  • Valérie Véniard
  • Wuming Zhu

Total Participants = 56

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