Program of the VB-NonorCI workshop
Révision datée du 17 février 2016 à 14:15 par Benoit (discussion | contributions) (→Format (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!))
Another previous discussion meeting a long time ago.
We would like this event to be a workshop in the original meaning of the word, or rather a "discussion meeting", with the main goal of having as most exchange as possible and trying to set and address some challenges together.
This is why, along with a limited number of participants, we are proposing an original format including the following 5 (unusual) ingredients:
- An introductory lecture on modern Valence Bond theory, and current mathematical and algorithmic techniques used.
- A few « perspective talks », where a participant(s) will present the state-of-the-art of a specific problematic, including open question and current challenges. A time slot of 45min will be allocated, but material for no more than a ~20-25min standard talk shall be prepared, in order to allow comments, questions and additions from other participants during the course of the presentation.
- A few "short perspectives" where a specific facet or point introduced related to one of the « perspective talks » will be very briefly presented and discussed. A time slot of 20min will be allocated, but in the same spirit as the "perspective talks" material for no more than a ~8-10min standard talk shall be prepared.
- « Framed discussions »: sessions dedicated to a precise topic to be addressed. It is envisage that 2-3 participants will extremely briefly introduce ONE specific point (ONE precise idea, suggestion, question or challenge), in no more than ~3-5min, and open questions for the discussion ; to be followed by extensive discussions framed by an animator, in order to collectively address the particular challenge(s) that have been highlighted.
- All the way through the meeting: extended coffee breaks and lunch times, together with common dinners, in order to facilitate the continuation of lively discussions in small groups in a more informal and flexible way
So this event will not feature usual types of scientific presentations, but the intention is to stimulate discussions, exchanges, collective work, with a format intended to favor this.