Program of the VB-NonorCI workshop

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Another previous discussion meeting a long time ago.


We would like this event to be a workshop in the original meaning of the word, or rather a "discussion meeting", with the main goal of having as most exchange as possible and trying to set and address some challenges together.

This is why, along with a limited number of participants, we are proposing an original format including the following 5 (unusual) ingredients:

  1. An introductory lecture on modern Valence Bond theory, and current mathematical and algorithmic techniques used.
  2. A few « perspective talks », where a participant(s) will present the state-of-the-art of a specific problematic, including open question and current challenges. A time slot of 45min will be allocated, but material for no more than a ~20-25min standard talk shall be prepared, in order to allow comments, questions and additions from other participants during the course of the presentation.
  3. A few "short perspectives" where a specific facet or point introduced related to one of the « perspective talks » will be very briefly presented and discussed. A time slot of 20min will be allocated, but in the same spirit as the "perspective talks" material for no more than a ~8-10min standard talk shall be prepared.
  4. « Framed discussions »: sessions dedicated to a precise topic to be addressed. It is envisage that 2-3 participants will extremely briefly introduce ONE specific point (ONE precise idea, suggestion, question or challenge), in no more than ~3-5min, and open questions for the discussion ; to be followed by extensive discussions framed by an animator, in order to collectively address the particular challenge(s) that have been highlighted.
  5. All the way through the meeting: extended coffee breaks and lunch times, together with common dinners, in order to facilitate the continuation of lively discussions in small groups in a more informal and flexible way

So this event will not feature usual types of scientific presentations, but original and specific forms of contributions with the intention is to stimulate discussions, exchanges, collective work, with a format intended to favor this.

=> Please email us to tell if you would like to give a "perspective talk", or a short talk (following the format detailed above), precising the topic you would like to cover including a prospective title.


List of possible challenges that could be collectively addressed during the "framed discussions".

The final selection of (~3-4) topics that will be treated during the meeting will be decided after interactions amongst the participants.

Current list:

  1. Efficient and cheap inclusion of dynamical correlation.
  2. New algorithms for nonorthogonal orbitals.
  3. Strategies for excited states.
  4. Complex systems (metals, extended systems)
  5. Efficient implementation, and massively parallel computer architectures.

=> Please email us to tell us:

  • which topic(s) you would like to see selected
  • if you would like to expose a point in one of the challenges above
  • if you have another topic to propose to the discussion.

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