ANR Wademecom Workshop informal discussions
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Informal discussions
List of subjects
Please propose here a list of subjects you would like to discuss, and list after your name the numbers all the subjects you would be interested in.
1. ring-CCD
2. range-separated TDDFT
3. ensemble range-separated DFT
4. multideterminantal exact short-range exchange schemes
I would like to participate to the discussion:
- Janos Angyan:
- Emmanuel Fromager: 3,4
- Thierry Leininger:
- Bastien Mussard: 1,2
- Andreas Savin:
- Trond Saue:
- Martin Schütz:
- Hermann Stoll:
- Alexandrina Stoyanova:3,4
- Julien Toulouse: 1,2,3,4