Circulars for the NCI workshop

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Fourth Announcement (18/06/2013)

Dear participants,

The date of the workshop is approaching, so we are arranging the final details.

  • PROGRAM: Please note the final program is now available at our wikipage: Speakers: please check that there is not an incompatibility with your personal schedules.

  • ADDRESSES: For those attending the training, please note that it will take place at an IT room at the UPMC, different from the one where the workshop will take place. We have arranged a new tab with maps and directions for all the meeting points during the workshop: A little note: we have reached maximum capacity, so some talks will probably be crowded.

  • VISITS: As you may have noticed, we have arranged 2h visits during Thursday. There will be several options, all of them baded on the Latin Quarter topic. Please sign in for your preferred choice, but note that places are very limited for some of them:

  • WEATHER: Weather is being very variable these days in Paris, from strong rains to hard-core sun...please check the weather (or pack a little bit of everything) before coming.

  • MEALS: Please, those people who have signed in for the meals and have special meal requirements (vegetarian, non alcoholic), send us an email informing us. We will make the most to meet those requirements.
  • EMERGENCY: Finally, please do not forget to note down the following number for lost-in-trouble emergency cases: ****** (Jean Philip Piquemal).

See you all soon, The organizing committee

Third Announcement (13/05/2013)

Dear participants,

We are organizing the meals for the conference. In order to make reservations, please sign in at the following doodle for those meals you are expecting to attend. Upon availability of funding, a conference dinner will be organized on the 27th. Please sign in too if you would like to attend.

Please note that these meals will be kindly covered by CECAM funding, so only registered people can sign in and no extra reservations will be taken into account after the doodle is closed on 20/05.

Hoping to see you in Paris, The organizing committee

PS: Certifications of attendance will be provided during the meeting, but would you need an invitation letter in advance, do not hesitate to send us an email with your requirements.

Second Announcement (14/03/2013)

Dear all

Please note that we have updated the wikipage


  • Updated information on student grants: Grants are available for students in order to facilitate their participation to the workshop. The application procedure is described under the "Travel Grants" page. All documents should be received before 30th April in order to be eligible. Candidates will be contacted in May regarding the outcome of their application.
  • Practical training sessions will be organized on the day prior to the workshop. You can find the specific information on the schedule and objectives under the"Training session" page. Due to the limited size of the computer room, would you like to participate, you will need register specifically for each session (NCI, ELF, MD-NCI, NCI-solids, ELF-NCI) at .

A maximum of 12 participants per session will be accepted (although serial sessions on the same topic could be organised if needed).

  • We remind you that registration closes on April 15th. Due to room size constrains, there is a limit on the number of participants (ca. 50) which will be applied on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hope to see you soon in Paris,

The organizing committee: Julia Contreras-Garcia Robin Chaudret Jean Philip Piquemal Erin Johnson

First Announcement (06/02/2013)

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a workshop on "Topological approaches to intermolecular interactions" within the CFCAM framework. The workshop will be held in Paris from 26-28th of June. The main objective of this workshop is to gather the topological community together to promote discussion of topological approaches to intermolecular interactions (including, but not limited to, NCI), their limitations, and future directions. You will be able to find all the information, as well as updates, at our wikipage:

Please note that in order to promote participation and enrich the discussion, there will be no registration fees. Grants for students will also be awarded. They will be announced through the above link in due time, the amount depending on the funding received.

Some of our confirmed speakers are: Odile Eisenstein, Paul Popelier,Frank de Proft, Manuel Yáñez and Weitao Yang.

There is still plenty of room for other contributions and we are accepting abstracts for oral and poster contributions. If you would like to participate with a talk/poster, do not hesitate to let us know. You can either send it to us (, or even better upload it directly to the Abstract pool on the wikipage.

Either case, don't forget to send us an email to the address above indicating the type of contribution you would like. You can find the instructions for the use of the wiki on the website (open access to everybody upon registration to the wiki). Please note that you should register and (if applicable) send your abstract by 15th April 2013.

If you have any comments or enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us at

We hope to see you all at the workshop,

The organizing committee: Julia Contreras-García Robin Chaudret Jean-Philip Piquemal Erin Johnson

P.S.: Feel free to forward this information to any colleague who might be interested in this discussion

External links:

Workshop webpage:

How to use wiki: