Eulanest CERENH2 Final Meeting

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Eulanest CERENH2 is a collaborative project funded in the frame of the FP6 ERA-Net program.

CERENH2 stands for Cerium-based catalysts for the purification of hydrogen from renewable sources: a theoretical and experimental approach of structure-reactivity relationships


Enhancing long term relationships of European and Latin American researchers for the development of non-conventional more efficient catalytic material for the purification of molecular hydrogen from renewable sources.

The concerns about global warming have increased the interest in energy sources that can reduce the net carbon dioxide emissions, such as the use of hydrogen (H2) as energy vector in fuel cell operated devices.

The main objective of the project is to contribute to a deep understanding of non-conventional and more efficient catalytic materials in the purification of molecular hydrogen, produced by renewable organic sources, by combining experimental results with theoretical calculations.

The achievement of the project relies on the unique and complementary multidisciplinary expertise of the European and Latin American teams involved. All the groups possess world-known expertise on oxide based catalysts for multiple applications, and some of them have already successfully worked together in similar systems (previous collaborations: Argentina-France, France-Spain, Argentina-Spain).

Where & when?

The meeting will be held in Paris, 28-29 June 2012, at the "péniche la baleine blanche"

Port de la Gare - 75013 Paris



Thursday 28 Friday 29
10:00-10:30 welcome M. Calatayud
10:30-11:00 opening C. Gervais
11:00-11h30 A.Bonivardi D. Costa
11:30-12:00 S. Collins M. Quiroga
12:00-12:30 V. Ganduglia-Pirovano closing
12:30-14:00 LUNCH LUNCH
14:00-14:30 J.J. Delgado scientific committee meeting
14:30-15:00 M. A. Banares scientific committee meeting
15:00-15:30 M. Causa scientific committee meeting
15:30-16:00 coffee break coffee break
16:00-16:30 M. Garcia-Casado scientific committee meeting
16:30-17:00 S. Dzwigaj scientific committee meeting
20:00-xx dinner @ "La bouteille d'or" dinner