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=== Format <font color=red> '''(PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!)'''</font> ===
We would like this event to be a workshop in the original meaning of the word, or rather a "discussion meeting", with the main goal of having as most exchange as possible and trying to set and address some challenges together.  
We would like this event to be a workshop in the original meaning of the word, or rather a "discussion meeting", with the main goal of having as much exchange as possible and trying to set and to address some challenges together.  
This is why we are proposing, along with a closed list of participants, an original format including the following 5 (unusual) ingredients:
There will be three types of oral interventions:
# One '''<font color=green>introductory lecture</font>''' on modern Valence Bond theory, and current mathematical and algorithmic techniques in use.
# '''<font color=green>« Perspective talks »</font>''': the purpose is to synthetically and didactically present the state-of-the-art of a specific approach, pinpointing questions, opening current challenges to solve, and providing food for thought for discussion. We strongly recommend the participants to prepare '''material for no more than a ~20-25 min standard talk''' (with as much as backside slide as they want of course), in order to allow a majority of the time to be dedicated to comments, questions, additions from other participants and discussions during the course of the presentation.
# A few '''<font color=green>« perspective talks »</font>''', where a (or several) participant(s) will present the state-of-the-art of a specific problematic, including open question and current challenges. A time slot of 45 min will be allocated, but '''material for no more than a ~20-25 min standard talk''' shall be prepared, in order to allow comments, questions and additions from other participants during the course of the presentation.
# '''<font color=green>« Short perspectives »</font>''': during those shorter intervention a specific facet or point related to one of the « perspective talks » or more generally to the topic of the session will be '''very briefly presented''' and discussed. In the same spirit as the "perspective talks", we strongly recommend participants to prepare '''material for no more than a ~10-12 min standard talk''' in order to allow a majority of the time to be dedicated to comments, questions, additions from other participants and discussions during the course of the presentation.
# A few '''<font color=green>"short perspectives"</font>''' where a specific facet or point introduced related to one of the « perspective talks » will be '''very briefly presented''' and discussed. A time slot of 20 min will be allocated, but in the same spirit as the "perspective talks" '''material for no more than a ~8-10 min standard talk''' shall be prepared.
# '''<font color=green>« Points »</font>''': "Framed discussions" will takes place at the end of the half-day session dedicated to a precise "challenge" to be addressed. During it, 2-3 participants will '''extremely briefly''' introduce '''ONE''' specific point (ONE precise idea, suggestion or question, related to the theme of the session), in '''no more than ~3-5 min (=> ~1-2 slides)''', and open questions for the discussion; to be followed by extensive discussions framed by an animator, in order to address collectively this particular "challenge".
# '''<font color=green>« Framed discussions »</font>''': sessions dedicated to a precise topic to be addressed. It is intended that 2-3 participants will '''extremely briefly''' introduce '''ONE''' specific point (ONE precise idea, suggestion, question or challenge), in '''no more than ~3-5 min''', and open questions for the discussion ; to be followed by extensive discussions framed by an animator, in order to collectively address the particular challenge(s) that have been highlighted.
# All the way through the meeting: extended coffee breaks and lunch times, together with common dinners, in order to facilitate the continuation of lively discussions in small groups in a more informal and flexible way
So this event '''will not feature usual types of scientific presentations''', but original and specific forms of contributions with the intention is to '''<font color=red>stimulate discussions, exchanges, collective work</font>''', with a format intended to favour this.
So this event '''will not feature usual types of scientific presentations''', but original and specific forms of contributions with the intention of '''<font color=red>stimulating discussions, exchanges, collective work</font>''', with a format intended to favour this.
List of possible challenges that could be collectively addressed during the "framed discussions".
The final selection of (~3-4) topics that will be treated during the meeting will be decided after interactions among the participants.  
The global schedule can be found below. We have kept it the least structured possible in order to allow maximal flexibility.
Current list:
# Efficient and cheap inclusion of dynamical correlation.
[[File:VB workshop Program.jpg|900px]]
# New algorithms for nonorthogonal orbitals.
# Strategies for excited states.
# Complex systems (metals, extended systems)
# Efficient implementation, and massively parallel computer architectures.
<big><font color=red>'''=> Please [mailto:benoit.braida@upmc.fr email us] to tell us:'''</font>
* which topic(s) in the list above you would like to see selected for a "framed discussion"
* if you would like a slot (~3-5') to expose a point in one of the challenges above
* if you would be agree to be the animator of a topic
* if you have another topic to propose to the discussion.
Indicate us also if, in addition, you would like to give a "perspective talk" or a "short perspective talk" (following the format detailed in the previous section), precising the topic you would like to cover including a prospective title. </big>
<font color=red>'''IMPORTANT:'''</font> Note that we'll try to have at most 50% of the total time of this workshop devoted to the introductory + perspetive talks (long+short), and at least 50% devoted to the framed discussions. So there will be '''few slots for perspectives talks (long+short) allocated''', and '''we strongly encourage you to favor a participation to the framed discussions''' (you can ask for several slots in several of the discussions, also to animate a discussion).
=== Schedule ===
The final precise schedule will be established after interaction with the participants, see points indicated by a red arrow (" '''<big><font color=red>=></font></big>''' ") in the section above.
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* Guillaume Acke
* Paul W. Ayers
* Benoît Braïda
* Ria Broer
* Patrick Bultinck
* Eric Cancès
* Patrick Cassam-Chenaï
* Zhenhua Chen
* Julia Contreras
* David L. Cooper
* Stijn Debaerdemacker
* Remco Havenith
* Martin Head-Gordon
* Philippe Hiberty
* Stéphane Humbel
* Sven Kähler
* Peter Karadakov
* Antoine Levitt
* Yvon Maday
* Debashis Mukherjee
* Hiroshi Nakatsuji
* Josep M. Oliva-Enrich
* Jeppe Olsen
* Kasia Pernal
* Peter Reinhardt
* Andreas Savin
* Avital Shurki
* Peifeng Su
* Alex Thom
* Wei Wu
* Weitao Yang
* Chen Zhou
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!<big>'''Supports of presentations'''</big>
* [[Media:Cooper_Intro.pdf|Introduction DL Cooper]]
* [[Media:BroerHavenith_NOCI.pdf|Ria Broer/Remco Havenith, NOCI developments]]
* [[Media:Chenai_Seniority_merged.pdf|Patrick Cassam-Chenaï, seniority functions]]
* [[Media:Chenai_GroupFct_merged.pdf|Patrick Cassam-Chenaï, group functions]]
* [[Media:Chen_Algorithms.pdf|Zhenhua Chen, algorithms]]
* [[Media:Chen_icVBPT2.pdf|Zhenhua Chen, internally contracted VBPT2]]
* [[Media:deBaerdemacker_hybrid_sonority.pdf|Stijn Debaerdemacker, seniority numbers]]
* [[Media:deBaerdemacker_OrbOpt.pdf|Stijn Debaerdemacker, orbital optimizations]]
* [[Media:deBaerdemacker_VarGaudin.pdf|Stijn Debaerdemacker, variational functions]]
* [[Media:HeadGordon_CCVB.pdf|Martin Head-Gordon, Coupled-Cluster VB]]
* [[Media:HeadGordon_EDA.pdf|Martin Head-Gordon, Energy Decomposition Analysis]]
* [[Media:HeadGordon_NOCI-MP2.pdf|Martin Head-Gordon, VB and MP2]]
* [[Media:HeadGordon_SpinFlip.pdf|Martin Head-Gordon, Spin Flip VB]]
* [[Media:Humbel_HuLisVB.pdf|Stéphane Humbel, VB-Hulis]]
* [[Media:Karadakov_SCNM.pdf|Peter Karadakov, SC(N,M)]]
* [[Media:Maday_MathsVB.pdf|Yvon Maday, some mathematical aspects]]
* [[Media:Mukherjee_VBCCSD.pdf|Debashis Mukherjee, VB and MR-CCSD(T)]]
* [[Media:Oliva-Enrich_Solids.pdf|Josep M. Oliva-Enrich, VB and solids]]
* [[Media:Olsen_NOCI.pdf|Jeppe Olsen, NOCI in second quantization]]
* [[Media:Pernal_Geminals.pdf|Kasia Pernal, Geminals]]
* [[Media:Reinhardt_N2O.pdf|Peter Reinhardt, N2O dimer and intermolecular interactions]]
* [[Media:Shurki_Interpretation.pdf|Avital Shurki, interpretation]]
* [[Media:Su_MR-DFT-VB.pdf|Peifeng Su, MR-DFT-VB]]
* [[Media:Thom_Holomorphic.pdf|Alex Thom, homomorphic continuations]]
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Dernière version du 1 août 2017 à 12:27

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A previous discussion meeting a long time ago.

We would like this event to be a workshop in the original meaning of the word, or rather a "discussion meeting", with the main goal of having as much exchange as possible and trying to set and to address some challenges together.

There will be three types of oral interventions:

  1. « Perspective talks »: the purpose is to synthetically and didactically present the state-of-the-art of a specific approach, pinpointing questions, opening current challenges to solve, and providing food for thought for discussion. We strongly recommend the participants to prepare material for no more than a ~20-25 min standard talk (with as much as backside slide as they want of course), in order to allow a majority of the time to be dedicated to comments, questions, additions from other participants and discussions during the course of the presentation.
  2. « Short perspectives »: during those shorter intervention a specific facet or point related to one of the « perspective talks » or more generally to the topic of the session will be very briefly presented and discussed. In the same spirit as the "perspective talks", we strongly recommend participants to prepare material for no more than a ~10-12 min standard talk in order to allow a majority of the time to be dedicated to comments, questions, additions from other participants and discussions during the course of the presentation.
  3. « Points »: "Framed discussions" will takes place at the end of the half-day session dedicated to a precise "challenge" to be addressed. During it, 2-3 participants will extremely briefly introduce ONE specific point (ONE precise idea, suggestion or question, related to the theme of the session), in no more than ~3-5 min (=> ~1-2 slides), and open questions for the discussion; to be followed by extensive discussions framed by an animator, in order to address collectively this particular "challenge".

So this event will not feature usual types of scientific presentations, but original and specific forms of contributions with the intention of stimulating discussions, exchanges, collective work, with a format intended to favour this.

The global schedule can be found below. We have kept it the least structured possible in order to allow maximal flexibility.

VB workshop Program.jpg

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